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Karen'Nicole. Writer.

I'm a writer of fiction (fantasy and flash), nonfiction (science, nature, and wellness), poetry, and academic writing. My writing has been published in Emrys Journal, US News and World Report, Miscellany, and Medium. Contact me to talk about writing, projects, hiring me, or exchanging TBRs.

Libraries, Bookstores, and Mixtapes

Since I was eight, I checked out the maximum number of books from the public library.  Bookstores and convenience stores with a book aisle were right up there with chunky Kit Kats, jelly sandals, and Bubble Yum. I'd read in bed, in deep closets propped up with a pillow, in the back seat of the car on road trips, and often with a flashlight as it was well past my pre-teen bedtime. The stories I read and the characters I'd meet validated me. The worlds characters lived in gave me hope for a different tomorrow. As a child and young adult, I didn't talk a whole lot with my mouth. I wrote, and I let my hands speak. 

"A River in Time" nominated for a 2020 Pushcart Prize.

Published in the print magazine which is no longer available.

Nonfiction writing on mindfulness. I am also the founder of mindfulness organization Omm Office where I am known as The Mindfulness Jedi.


In 2017, I graduated from American University in Washington, DC, with an MA in Producing for Film, Television, and Radio. The scriptwriting courses were my favorite. Some of the pieces I wrote include a 30-minute animated film, "I am Plato," short film "Bipolar," and spec "American Dad: The Real Housewives of Langley Falls." A professor recreated a professional writing room, and we plotted how we'd tackle ABC "Designated Survivor." (We had not watched the series at the time.)

In 2016, I graduated from Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore, Maryland, with an MA in Science Writing.  Studying for an MA was the most expensive library card I'd owned. On the other hand, I could now spend countless hours in the gorgeous Peabody Library and the Hutzler Reading Room with a jumbo mint mocha frappe and a book.

I also have a B.S. in Biology and a B.A. in Broadcast Journalism with Honors from Winthrop University in Rock Hill, South Carolina. My biology thesis was on how African-Diaspora people have the worst PR in mass media. My journalism thesis was a short film of about 12 minutes on ethics in the media. I discussed the 1950s and 1960s civil rights movement in the US and the holocaust in Eastern Europe in the 1940s.


London Writers' Salon, a wonderful community of writers.

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